Thursday, January 24, 2008

On falling behind

A couple of weeks ago the leaves on the tree in my front yard changed color and fell. It's about time I thought, it's January!
This fall the leaves were behind schedule, and they got me thinking. I can relate to those leaves. I feel like I am always behind on my list of things to do. I almost always get "the list" done, but I'm usually behind schedule.
You know what? Even though the leaves were late we still went out and played in them. They were still fun, and they still looked pretty scattered across that green grass. Hearing them crunch under our feet was still so satisfying.
So I am turning over a new leaf (no pun intended). From now on when I sit at the end of another long day and look at my to-do list only halfway completed, I am not going to beat myself up. I am going to get up the next day and do the next item on the list. And when it's crossed off I will still find satisfaction in it's completion. Late or Not!

Friday, January 4, 2008


There are days when I have a hard time finding balance. I love my kids and I want to give them my undivided attention. I want to play with them and I want them to know I am always there when they need me. There is also that whole thing about keeping the house in order, grocery shopping, preparing well balanced meals etc. I am actually getting tired just thinking about this. Is it this hard for everyone? I find it so challenging to balance household duties with "kid time". On top of that - I am just gonna come out and say it - I want time for myself! I need time to pursue my interests, time with Nick, and time to just... blog! You know what I mean, right? I want a day where I spend all day playing with the kids and don't feel guilty about letting the house go. Or how about a day in which I spend all day cleaning and I don't feel guilty that I didn't play with my kids at all.
I thought maybe venting about this would make me feel better. Then I thought of the following things. #1 I have an extremely supportive husband who does more than his share around the house (poopy diapers included) after working or going to school all day. #2 Some women do all this and have a full time job. Wow! I think I feel worse now. I am going back to bed... not really but if I could I would!

If you noticed my incomplete sentence... I did too!