A couple of weeks ago the leaves on the tree in my front yard changed color and fell. It's about time I thought, it's January!
This fall the leaves were behind schedule, and they got me thinking. I can relate to those leaves. I feel like I am always behind on my list of things to do. I almost always get "the list" done, but I'm usually behind schedule.
You know what? Even though the leaves were late we still went out and played in them. They were still fun, and they still looked pretty scattered across that green grass. Hearing them crunch under our feet was still so satisfying.
So I am turning over a new leaf (no pun intended). From now on when I sit at the end of another long day and look at my to-do list only halfway completed, I am not going to beat myself up. I am going to get up the next day and do the next item on the list. And when it's crossed off I will still find satisfaction in it's completion. Late or Not!