Ainsley is taking a dance class. Every week I sit outside the classroom and sort of listen as these two ladies talk. I'm guessing they are both around their late 30's. One has a little boy and the other has two little boys. They sit and talk business. It's not about their kids or any of that motherly stuff us softies discuss outside our toddlers parks & rec classes. It's serious. They talk about work and meetings and projects. It's actually interesting sometimes. Anyway, back to the point. I see them both look at me kind of weird every class. It's as if they really want to ask me something, but don't know me well enough. So one day I am in the restroom waiting for Ainsley to come out of the stall and one of these ladies brings her little boy in. We are both just standing there and suddenly she gets brave and makes her move.
Lady: "So are you their baby sitter or their sister, or...?" (She runs out of ideas here.)
Me: (with an amused smile) "They're mine."
Lady: "They're all yours... all three of those little ones... really."
Me: "Yep"
She gives me a look that rests somewhere in between shock, disapproval, and thinking I'm crazy. Then she must have realized how she looked to me and she got a huge fake grin and said...
"Well, wow. Congratulations on that! I mean, really... congratulations!"
Does anyone else find this funny? I mean when is the last time you congratulated someone on having a four year old, or a two year old... or even a ten month old for that matter. After that weird reaction I was tempted to let her know I was married, had been for 6 1/2 years, and that yes he was the father of all three. You never know where I live:)
I actually get this a lot. I can't tell you how many times the cashier at the grocery store has said "Ok I have to ask how old you are." or "Are you the mom?" It seems being a young mother makes for a good conversation with a stranger these days. The best part is that everyone's reaction is always to congratulate me. So I wonder when people see a woman with kids that looks, let's say 35, do they congratulate her on having a 4 year old? Maybe they do and I'm just ignorant. I find the whole thing pretty amusing.
I guess I can hope that in 20 years I still look too young to be their mother, but I doubt it!