I am having one of those days. Not one of those days where the kids are driving me crazy and the house is a mess. One of those days where I just feel lonely and wish I had a good friend close by, and I ate a brownie for lunch, and now I have a headache from it, so I am force-napping my kids.
It seems all my "close" friends down here moved away. It's all superficial now! It's time to start over, but I am a little slow and complicated when it comes to making "real" friends.
Kyla, if you read this I wish you were still here and I could come over and eat a hundred "healthy" chocolate chip cookies while my kids trash your house:) I'll even let the baby crawl in the dirt.
I guess that's why I blog. In a way it's like having a friend I can talk to about anything. It's very said that my blog is my friend, but there it is.
I think I will go and clean now. Like I always say... If you don't have friends, at least have a clean house in case you meet some!