So my life is crazy right now. Schedules have been thrown out the window, healthy eating has ben forgotten, children are wandering aimlessly consuming what they will and watching copious amounts of television...AAAHHH! All this is brought on by a little thing called moving. We moved this weekend, actually we've been, very slowly and painfully and at times in the pouring rain, moving for the last week. Now that everything is moved to our new place chaos has ensued. I am out of town as we speak while the boxes sit gathering dust and my poor love tries to clean the old house in between shifts at work.

This explains my absence from the blogging world. While I am sure it hasn't put a wrinkle in your days... it has in mine. I like blogging - here and on my family blog. I miss it. Oh how I miss the days when everything was under control and I could sit guiltlessly pouring my thoughts into cyber space. I am afraid that I may be saying goodbye to August before I can justify the expenditure of time and energy here. Oh well life calls and I answer. It's funny how it takes so much time and effort to get my life in order and so little time to disorder it:)