Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Remember to enjoy

The daily stuff sometimes makes me lose perspective.

But then I remember to enjoy...

this baby's little arms wrapped tightly around my neck when I ask him to give me a "squeeze".

I remember to stop and listen...

as this sweet girl tells me all the things she can use her imagination for.

I remember to savor the sound...

of this tender-hearted guy when he says "I love you mom" at the perfect moment.

Then my heart breaks that I ever forgot. But I was reminded today so that's all that matters.

Monday, September 22, 2008

One of those sweet moments

Today was a day I appreciated as a mother. I appreciated the fact that my kids are so close in age. I appreciated that their closeness in age at times becomes closeness in play. There are lots of days when I have had it up to here with all the fighting that goes on between these kids. There is yelling and arguing and bossing around that goes on. Sometimes there is even hitting and kicking and tackling! My little guy is now old enough to get in on the action too. Some days they drive me crazy with their fighting.

But there are also days when they don't fight as much. There are days like today when they play quietly for hours. On days like today they close their bedroom door and I hear the sounds of friendship, cooperation, and their sweet uncontrollable giggles. They are "imagining" they tell me when I open the door to check on them. The older two even work to entertain the baby so he won't desert their game. My heart is full when I see them enjoying each others company. I am reassured that even though there is often conflict between them deep down they really are best friends. Their happiness is contagious and I walk away from them feeling a little lighter. Oh and there is one more benefit. I can peacefully take five for myself... which I definitely did:)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My nEw HoME... ALmoSt

WeLCoMe To mY soOn To bE hOMe SwEEt HoMe

tHe vIEw

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This had to have been written about us.


Every time I look at you the world just melts away
All my troubles all my fears dissolve in your affections
You've seen me at my weakest but you take me as I am
And when I fall you offer me a softer place to land

You stay the course you hold the line you keep it all together
You're the one true thing I know I can believe in
You're all the things that I desire you save me you complete me
You're the one true thing I know I can believe

I get mad so easy but you give me room to breathe
No matter what I say or do cause you're too good to fight about it
Even when I have to push just to see how far you'll go
You wont stoop down to battle but you never turn to go

There are times I cant decide when I can't tell up from down
You make me feel less crazy when otherwise I'd drown
But you pick me up & brush me off and tell me I'm OK
sometimes that's just what we need to get us through the day

WOW I sat down to write tonight and this is totally not the direction I though it was going to go, but... I heard this song and it always gets me:)

My love has been on my mind lately (as he usually is on the weeks he works nights). It seems I always debate with myself about waiting up for him. One one hand, I am going to hate myself when the kiddos get up at the crack of dawn and I, unlike them, didn't go to bed at 7:30 PM. However, on the other hand, I want to see him before I go to bed.

Too cheesy for ya?
Too bad!

Every time I hear this song it reminds me of how I wouldn't be who I am today without his influence. There are so many things about myself that I never would have figured out with anybody else by my side.

Everyone wants to be with someone who lifts them up and brings out the good in them. I know those phrases are cliche, but you know it's true! We all want that person that really makes us stretch to become better and greater. I don't necessarily mean someone who praises us and makes us "feel" good, but instead, someone who "pushes" us until we BECOME good.

Until we become unblemished, undamaged, unhurt... WHOLE.

Thanks to him I'm on my way.

I think I'll be waiting up tonight.