I think I need to adopt this as my personal motto. I can't tell you how many ideas fly through my head every day. These thoughts come mostly in the midst of vacuuming, laundry doing, errand running, diaper changing, and a lot of times laying in bed at night. The best ones come at night after everyone is asleep and I am finally alone in my own head:) Sometimes they're of a deeper nature and sometimes they're personal goals. Sometimes they're just realizations about myself and the world around me. Often they're reflections on the little things that make me tick or even hold me back.
The best part about these little revelations is when I actually take the time to jot them down. I always feel so peaceful after I've evaluated myself in print. There are some thoughts that are fleeting but there are others that cause me an almost irresistible urge to stop and record them. I say almost because I tend to resist this urge when I am say driving or scrubbing a toilet, you know things that aren't the best to just stop in the middle of. And you know what? I always, always, ALWAYS regret it later. I tell myself that it's ok not to stop because I will remember it later when the kids are in bed, or dinner is made, or I am not so tired. The thing is I rarely remember. I remember that I had a really great thought. I remember where I was and what I was doing when it came to me, but that's not the important part now is it?
So I've been thinking (mainly since this blog has been so boring and uninspired lately:) that maybe, just maybe I need to STOP... and write when my mind tells me to. I'm making it a new goal of mine to give myself a moment to process and record these small personal inspirations... within reason that is!