Saturday, March 28, 2009

TV always comes back to bite!

After almost five years of being a mother I have learned some lessons about the television. A little TV can be a good thing. I can actually get something done when my youngest is napping (he doesn't really care for watching yet) and the older two are watching a movie. BUT... I have also learned that a lot of TV is a very horrible thing in our house.

Lately, I haven't been letting the kids watch TV or movies because they behave a lot better when they abstain. They are more obedient, more willing to work, and they fight less. Today I let them watch a movie, the same movie over, and over, and over, that is. The good new - I did get a lot of "stuff" done. The bad news - the meltdowns started around 1 PM. I also noticed around this time that all the chores they had done in order to be able to watch the movie were undone. I see my mistake. It was letting them watch the movie a third time. I should have cut them off at two:) Now I'm off to do damage control!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The day in review

Today has been a VERY long day. The worst part is knowing that it's only 5:30 PM. I still have to feed, bathe, dress, and put the kids to bed, and then clean the kitchen. I take that back the worst part is that in the course of this LONG day I have gotten absolutely nothing done. AAhhhh! As I well know the less I get done during the day the longer it takes for it to end. I guess the logical thing now would be to ask myself why in the world I am sitting here on the computer at a time like this. That's a great question. Point taken! I am off to begin the nightly ritual.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Back in the saddle

Well I can't say that I have done well with my goal of writing more. I have actually written less than ever since posting that I wanted to write more. Shame on me! Processing my feelings in writing is essential. It always has been, probably always will be. I feel like I've been losing my touch with the written world lately. If you read my family blog you know I am pregnant with #4. Now the first few months of pregnancy are worse for some than others, but let's be honest they're not terribly fun for anyone. This pregnancy has been somehow different than my others . It has thrown me off. It hasn't been the nausea (worst since #1), weight gain, hormonal outbreaks or emotional outbursts:) I wish I could blame it on those lovelies. It was more mental this time. The first couple months were just mentally overwhelming. Does that even make sense? I feel like I am over that now but it's amazing how long it can take to get life back in order. I kind of let cleaning and cooking and disciplining the kids go for a couple of months. Sad, I know. It is taken me another couple of months to get back into routine. I am pleased to say that we are well on the way though. I am confident that life will be flowing nicely just in time for this baby to be born and throw everything off again:) BUt the good news is that I have a new appreciation for "feeling like myself". What a relief it is too!