Sunday, November 14, 2010

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

I can't live without books. I love books, and I love to read. That is one thing about me that has never changed, and never will.

On that note I would like to introduce you to my library... there is another wall of shelves on the other side too!

My awesome husband built this for me because he knows that ever since I was a little girl I have
wanted a little library to call my own. He rocks and my library rocks!

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

Grand Canyon

I recently hiked the Grand Canyon from Rim to Rim. I read a ton about the canyon before I went and I started to get a strange fascination with it. I guess you could say I became obsessed:) It was so cool and I can't wait to go back and do it again. I hope there are lots of return trips in my future.

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

My favorite bag right now... because I like purple.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

Yes... I have Walgreen's on my list. It's because they employ my favorite guy - you know - the one who provides for me and the kiddos. Nick had been blessed with a steady and secure job thanks to the corner drug store:)

P.S. This picture is of a Walgreen's in the center of Time Square NY, NY. They really are everywhere!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

#6 The family that raised me:)
We just went on an awesome trip to NY city last month and had so much fun together.

Can't forget mom... even though I can't see her right now I am so grateful for the time we did have. I can appreciate it more now that I have kids of my own.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

I saved the first five things for one day. There's kind of a theme...

#1 My favorite guy

#2 My number one helper and assistant mom

#3 My sweet and sensitive boy

#4 My biggest but best challenge:)

#5 My baby who's almost not a baby anymore!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life is passing me by... almost!

It feels like the last few months have flown by! The summer was crazy and busy but fun. Everyone was excited to start the school routine again in August, and now that "stressful October" (as I am calling it) is over I am ready to take a deep breath and get ready to enjoy the holidays with my little family:) My idea to ease back into blogging is that every day in November will be dedicated to things I like, love, and can't live without. It's my own personal version of what I am thankful for... stay tuned.