Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Things for Friday

First, I need to remind myself that I still haven't blogged about the Grand Canyon.  It was just such an intense trip that I am lacking the energy to tackle it right now.  I'll get to it sometime, just not sure when.

Speaking of that trip, I am still suffering from a knee injury I got when I was in the canyon.  My knee issues are putting a considerable damper on my Tour de Tucson plans and just bumming me out all around. Never again will I do a marathon hike this close to a big bike race.

We've had some interesting ups and downs in getting Blythe immunized.  Here she is at her last appointment.  So glad she is up to date, at least until the next school year.  It has truly been a pain, no pun intended

This little lady is growing up fast and is turning out to be quite the drama queen:)

This week has been a sick one.  Starting with Channing last weekend a sore throat/ fever/ cough has slowly been working its way through the household.  We've all had symptoms to some degree or other.   Quite a bit of school has been missed and this weekend we are taking it easy, and hoping some rest and relaxation will do the trick.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Alien socks

There are SO many other more interesting topics I should be blogging about today.  I could write about my adventure in the Grand Canyon last month, or about my birthday, or Nick's birthday, or Halloween.

The list is long and attractive.  Instead I am going to bring up something unattractive: The socks you see pictured above.

Those are Nick's new cycling socks, for real, and totally seriously.  I will try to explain by making three points....

1. When Nick finds an article of clothing that makes him more comfy his devotion is instantaneous.
2. He  loves (and I mean loves) a good bargain.
3. Combine this product devotion with a bargain price on ebay and we have a recipe for alien/ sunburst/ racing flag cycling socks.

I thought I would be able to sway him to abandon the idea of wearing them in public by giving him a hard time.  I teased him, and bugged, him and told him how ugly the socks were.  I said that the guy who sold them on ebay was probably laughing right now at the poor sucker who actually paid money for these socks.

I should have known better.  I had momentarily forgotten who I was talking to.  If I had given even a tiny bit of thought about the way Nick's mind works I could have foreseen that my plan would backfire.  As anyone who knows him well you have probably already predicted that my arguments only strengthen his resolve to wear those ugly socks with pride.

Needless to say, he has now decided to wear the worst of the worst (aliens) at the Tour de Tucson next week.  I don't know who is more excited, him to simultaneously show off his ugly socks and irritate me, or the socks to ACTUALLY be worn for the first time.

It should be an interesting conversation piece to say the least:)  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I sure like these guys.

I thought about writing that I am bummed out today about the way the election turned out.  Then I decided not to because I don't want to think about it right now. If I write about it then I AM thinking about it.  Also I prefer not to talk about politics very often, and also not on this blog.

So instead I will think about my cute baby.  That guy she's sitting on is not a bad thought either.  I leave you with that.
The End

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Funny Fear

Yes, I am afraid of these.  

Does anyone else remember these?  

You put a blob of goo on the end of the straw and blow it up into a strange kind of plastic bubble.  

Well I remember them well.  They made me nervous when I was a child.  

I never trusted myself to blow a bubble.  I was too afraid that somehow I would involuntarily inhale at the worst possible second and get the goo in my mouth or worse suck it into my lungs.  In terms of irrational fears I think this may take the cake!  

The other day Nick and I were at dinner with some friends and my irrational fear of these came up.  One of our friends found it highly amusing.  In the course of the conversation he brought up something else that freaks me out.  It is called a blow dart.  I don't think I need to elaborate here, do I?

A few days later I was walking through the grocery store when I spotted (and took a photo) of B'loonies.  I thought it was pretty ironic that after not seeing any for probably 20 years I ran into some that same week.

The world works in mysterious ways.

This one's for you Neal! I don't really think you read my blog.  That's ok, because your wife does and she will tell you about it.  Then you will get to laugh again at my irrational fears.  Enjoy:)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Like it, love it, cant live without it

This dude, cause he is pretty awesome!