After our first child was born things got a little more serious. I had to devise a 'cleaning schedule' in order to get things accomplished. Monday was laundry day. I washed one load of our clothes and one load of baby clothes every Monday. Then we had our second child... and to my surprise the schedule stayed the same: I did laundry on Mondays. (Except during his first two weeks of life when he soaked through his clothes and my clothes every time he went).
At this point in life I paused to congratulate myself. Two babies under two and I still only do laundry on Mondays. Now that's impressive! Then the third child came along. Now I do laundry EVERYDAY.
So what I am wondering here is how did one little boy tip the balance? Family of three - routine starts, family of 4 - routine continues as usual, family of 5 - routine thrown out the window? This turn of events just baffles me. I guess I'll never figure it out. But I'm definitely not congratulating myself anymore. Maybe that's where I went wrong in the first place:) I am beginning to wonder what will happpen when we have the next one. I mean I'm literally running out of days - to do laundry that is! Maybe we just need more clothes... hmmm I'll have to ponder that one!
I am just amazed you only did two loads a week with one kid. I usually do laundry one day out of the week, but I have 5 or 6 loads. And the sad thing is Tyler's scrubs get washed at work, so go figure? I guess we do have company at least every other week so that does make a difference, but still....one load a week? I am impressed. I don't know how my mom kept up with it all. I say you just start showing Ainsley now how to run the washer and dryer. Give her a couple years, she'll be a pro and you'll have 1 less thing to do! :)
I am still on one day a week. But, I have always done three loads because we have a hamper with three sections and I can't even think about not doing lights-darks-and whites. That is the way I have always done it. I wonder if it will change.
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