When my cousin turned 16 a couple of years ago he asked everyone in our family to write down their testimony and send it to him instead of a gift. While I was doing some spring cleaning the other day I came across a copy of the letter that I sent him. I wish I could say that I regularly get up in sacrament meeting and share my testimony, but I really don't. As I was reading over the letter I was suddenly so glad that my cousin asked me to do this. Now I have my testimony in writing forever to share with my family. The past couple of weeks with Easter and other things that have been going on in my life I've felt the spirit often and my heart has been so full. I am so grateful for my husband and my children. I am grateful for extended family members that are loving and supportive. I am thankful for my home and the blessing that come with financial security. I am especially thankful for the gospel and the hope that it brings me. There have been many times in my life when I have sat despairing at how "unfair" life can be. At one point when life was seeming particularly unfair I heard a really great talk at a fireside that strengthened my testimony. I hadn't thought about this experience for a long time, but I had included it in the letter.
"One day I went to a fireside and the speaker was talking about testimonies. In his talk he said 'There are things in life that are difficult to accept: That's where a testimony comes in.' I cannot remember anything else in his talk. That thought struck me and I spent the rest of the evening replaying it in my mind. I finally understood. This was my answer."
After reading it again I felt the same feelings I did then of hope, and joy, and the knowledge that with the help of Heavenly Father, the savior, and the gospel all things are possible. My testimony may not be eloquent or sophisticated as so many testimonies are, but it is truly my life line.