Ainsley and I have a new diversion... watching cooking shows. I recorded one a couple of weeks ago and sat down to watch. She soon came and questioned me about what I was watching. I explained the concept of a "cooking show" and she eventually settled down next to me and we viewed together. It was a lovely bonding moment as she peppered me with entertaining questions and comments about the chef, ingredients, etc. It was pleasant to share this 30 minutes with her. We sit down to a cooking show at least once a day now. I find myself recording these shows with her in mind and looking forward to the time we will spend together watching. Our favorites shows so far are America's Test Kitchen and Simply Ming.

I love our new mother/daughter activity, and hopefully she will even pick up some cooking tips early on and turn out to be a better cook than her mama! I have to smile when I hear "I know Mom, maybe tomorrow we could make those chocolate cupcakes. Does that sound like a good idea mom, does it?" I cherish these small reminders of her sweet and genuine nature, especially on days when it hasn't been showing so much:).
I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.
Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.
WOW to the above....you absolutely should contribute!
I love sweet moments like that! Did you get to hear Elder Ballard's talk at Conference on motherhood? Great!
How cool would it be to have a little something to say about mother-daughter relationships in a book. You have such a talent and way with words...you should respond to this "Greg" if you havn't already. And then you should start writing your own books!!
That is so sweet. I am glad you found something that you both like doing together. Sometimes being the mom of a daughter makes me nervous, but hopefully we will find something like you guys have:)
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