Friday, December 30, 2011

Missing In Action

Have you seen these slippers?

It was Christmas Eve, and the kids had just received their stockings.

They all got new pajamas and a pair of slippers.

We put Farrah's on her cute little feet and snapped a photo.

Now I can't find them anywhere:(

Here's to hoping they turn up soon!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Mother's are storymakers"

Nick and I were just talking about how we didn't exactly "know" our parents when we were kids. Our childhood recollections of them are more "moments in time" type of memories. We both have special or fun times that stuck out to us after all these years, but we didn't begin to see them as people until we got older... maybe even after we became adults ourselves! This of course led us to wonder what memories our own kids will have of us from these younger years, before they begin to understand what makes us tick. Let's just hope they are forgiving as they look back:)

A few days later I came across this article and I really liked it... check it out.

The author also writes a blog that I've enjoyed reading lately

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Growing Baby

I want her to stay an innocent baby... maybe forever? Is that really too much to ask? I don't care if I have to be sleepless, moody, and carry a couple of extra pounds for the rest of life if it means I can slow her down. She is so easy to love and her needs are so easy to meet right now. But she's already growing and changing and there's nothing I can do about it.

Maybe it's all about the ease of parenting at this stage. All my feelings towards her are loving and she can't help but love me back:) There are no confrontations, or resentments, and as I well know, simply reaching toddlerhood will bring those! It's all so simple right now: a steady comforting rhythm of eat, sleep, and cuddle that I could live with forever.

I have an uncle who likes to say "Little people, little problems. Big people, big problems." Oh is it true! Of course there are nights that I am so exhausted I want to scream. Sure I dread the next bout of colic or poopy diaper. But in the grand scheme those things are all relatively easy to contend with. What happens when she's five, ten, or fifteen? Even adults need to be parented sometimes:) Right now putting her to my breast provides the necessary comfort ninety-nine percent of the time! With every day that passes we get closer to the end of those days.

She is so sweet, and perfect, and beautiful. I don't ever want to forget her chubby cheeks, big blue eyes, or perfect little lips. I know these recollections will fade as she grows and one day too soon I will stand amazed to think that she was ever so small and helpless. Of course I'll have memories of those special moments spent nursing, and rocking, and snuggling. I'll always remember her sweet scent as I sniff the top of her head. But it's not the same as BEING in that moment.

So far being a parent has been the hardest thing I've ever done. Each time it gets harder I think that I can't do it anymore. But then it does, and I do it, and it is exhausting AND amazing all at the same time. That's why, just this one time, I want to fully enjoy the small things... and this baby is one of them. I have had similar feelings with each pregnancy, birth, and subsequent growing child. It seems to get harder to say goodbye to the baby phase each time. Maybe it's because I sense my child bearing years are waning. I mean I can't go on doing this forever:) I feel a sense of peace about this portion of my life winding down, but also a certain sadness. So while I truly do rejoice in each milestone my children reach, I still can't help but cringe at the speed with which my babies are growing up.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well the big day has come and gone.

It was wonderful to spend time with family, reflect on the birth of the savior, and enjoy "Christmas morning".

Once I reached a certain age I began to suspect that Christmas would never have that same magic that it did when I was younger. However, now that my own little ones are old enough to understand it, watching them open their gifts has become just as good, or even better, than being a kid myself:)

It's passing is always bittersweet. It is nice to have all the stresses over with, but it is also sad to say goodbye to the holidays for another long year. The kids are off for one more week and we are spending it lazily. We are hanging out, lounging around, playing with new toys, and eating left over pie!

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

Happy times with the family!

Friday, December 23, 2011

South Mountain

There's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself in spandex to remind you that you actually went out in public dressed in that much spandex! I fought it at first but soon learned that it is worth the embarrassment to be comfortable on the bike.

This is a photo of me at the top of South Mountain in Phoenix. I rode from my in-laws house all the way up to the top with my F.I.L the day after Thanksgiving. It was quite a trip. I have to confess it included at least half of my most embarrassing biking moments. It was not my finest ride but I made it and that's what counts... at least I keep telling myself that:) Plus it will make a good story someday! I know I laugh every time I think of it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Saying Goodbye:(

A dear friend of mine just moved away... by a couple of states. It isn't too often that I make such a close friend and I was so sad to see her go. I will truly miss her, and I plan to do a good job of keeping in touch!

On the bright side, this move is a joyful thing for her brought about by good changes in her life. She has been through a lot of trials in the past few years and I am so pleased to see her happy and thriving!

Love & miss ya Margie:)

Planet Reports

My two oldest kids are in a combined first and second grade class together. Last week they were assigned a planet report, complete with visual aid. I was less than enthusiastic for a few reasons.

First, a planet report (don't forget the visual aid) for six and seven year olds just has a parent intensive ring to it.

Second, studying the solar system isn't high on my to-do list this holiday season

Third, there are two of them! Two kids equals two reports (with visual aids)!

However, by the time the projects were done there were some bright points.

First, those kids of mine did an outstanding job writing their reports. They pretty much did the research themselves, other than a little help using the computer.

Second, they're not the only kids in this family who gained a little planetary knowledge. Rand (4 years) actually came to me several time spouting random facts such as "Did you know that pluto is no longer a true planet. It is now known as a dwarf planet!"

Third, I actually had a lot of fun making... oops, I mean helping make... those visual aids I feared so much.

Next time you see us ask a question about planets!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tales of the swaddled

Farrah spent much of her first three months wrapped up tightly. It's the only way she was happy. Thinking she would follow the pattern of my other babies I began swaddling her less and less after the three month mark. She seemed to enjoy her "free" time at first:) Then about a week ago I realized her happiness had regressed, and just when she finally seemed to be coming out of her fussy stage. I couldn't figure it out! Then one morning it hit me. I promptly re-swaddled her and she was happy once more! It reminds me... just when I think I've mastered this baby thing along comes another surprise:)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

Kids who make it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get a decent family photo:)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Time

I am getting so excited for Christmas. The older my kids get the more joy it brings me! I am grateful for the holidays because they make me reflect on my blessings, and my Savior. I have had some touching moments teaching my kids about the birth of Christ. I have also had some funny moments trying to teach my kids the "truth" about Santa. No matter how many times we go over the santa thing Ainsley tells me she "just really wants to believe":) I am happy to be so blessed and to have the gospel to bring the true meaning of this season into my life. I am happy that my kids know the true meaning of Christmas and that they are learning to be kind and generous and hopefully starting to gain their own testimonies of Jesus Christ.

I'm not gonna lie though, I am excited about the more worldly parts of the season too. Hot chocolate, treats, decorations, and watching my kids school Christmas programs have been things I've looked forward to and enjoyed. I am also super excited for Christmas morning. I can't wait to gather around the tree with the family and open our gifts. I tried to get them things that we could spend time playing with as a family. I am looking forward to sitting around, eating, and messing with the kids new toys together!

I guess this year I have benefitted from the best of both worlds. I am celebrating the true spirit of the Savior's birth while embracing the traditions that bring me closer to my family. Today is the last day of school for the next two weeks. I can't wait to have all my kids at home with me and just absorb their sweet spirits. Now let's hope I remember how sweet they are when the messes and chaos begin! I may be coming back to read this post next week:)


Over Thanksgiving weekend we hung out with my cousin and her cute family. We always have so much fun visiting with them. Her kiddos are the cutest, her house is warm and welcoming, and her husband has the most contagious laugh!

She is an awesome blogger. She is also a master crafter and vintage lover. Check out her etsy shop debsfreckles. Finally, she is an amazing mother and wife. When I read her posts it always inspires me to be more creative and appreciative and to go give my crazy kids a squeeze.

Anyway she talked me into joining the world of instagram. I am now totally hooked. It is so much fun to play with and it reminds me to take photos everyday. Now you can see some of the highlights of my days such as...

My messy house

My awesome breakfasts

And my driving adventures

So thanks to Debbie for pushing my towards this great little app!

Oh yeah... If you have a smart phone look me up.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's the difference?

My "ode to a journal" got me thinking. What is the difference between keeping a diary and a journal? I decided to do a little research - google style:) There were a variety of opinions but most contained a similar thread. Of all the explanations I foundthis was my favorite.

Speaking of writing in journals/ diaries... what better place to do it than beneath a beautiful Cottonwood tree!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ode to a Journal

A couple of months ago I brought this black beauty home. You see, I have a weakness for books of any kind and that includes journals.

Whenever I visit a book store I will inevitably be drawn toward the section that carries those uniquely bound treasures known as journals. I will look at them and touch them and smell them. I will WANT to buy them all, though I may or may NOT commit to one. You see the cost is surprisingly high for a book with blank pages!

If I succumb to my yearning and take one home it may take me a long while to put pen to paper. There is something sacred about a blank page under a pretty cover. At first, none of my thoughts will seem to deserve a note on the unbroken white of those fresh pages. I have been known to purchase a journal and stare at it for months... sometimes longer... before mustering the courage to write. In the mean time I feel a happy flutter of excitement whenever I look at it. For now that is enough I tell myself.

Most of the time I type my thoughts, but there always comes a day, or a moment, or an emotion, that needs to be truly written. Finally my hand will engage in the therapy that can always soothe my soul. I take long strokes and try my hardest to be neat. Handwriting itself has never been a strength of mine. I pour my little heart into each page and when it is done I hide that precious book away until the next time. There's always a next time.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

These chubby cheeks and tiny hands... I just can't do without them!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Picture of a Cactus

Sometimes when I get an idea for a blog post I write something or download a picture and then save it. I usually come back to it later when I have time to elaborate on my thoughts. But sometimes I forget about it all together. Today I found an old saved post. It had no title. When I opened it I found this picture of a cactus. I don't remember the significance at all. Now I am really curious. What was I going to share about this special little desert dweller... the world will never know!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Apple Of My Eye

"I got a guy that loves me so. He's the apple of my eye and..."

I had a teacher once who used to sing this song during spelling tests.

It was second grade.

Her name was Mrs. Niebrzydowski.

Her last name was on our first spelling test of the year!

Thanks to that I still remember how to spell it:)

But the point is - this little song often gets stuck in my head.

There is one problem... I can't remember anything but that one line.....

It has been driving me crazy for over 20 years now!!!

And finally, I am kind of sad that I am old enough to make that last statement:(

The End

Monday, December 5, 2011

Family Prayers

It's time to say family prayers...
Me: Who wants to say the prayer tonight?
Rand: I do, I do, I do, I do!
Me: Ok, go ahead (we all bow our heads and close our eyes)
Rand: Dear Heavenly Father............................I need help.
Me: You know how to do this...First say something that you're grateful for.
Rand: I'm grateful for my family.......... I need help again!
Me: Ok, now you can say please bless that... and say something you need.
Rand: Please bless dad........
Me: Please bless that........
Rand: Please bless dad......
Me: Now say please bless that...
Rand: Please bless dad
Me: No that's not what I... you can bless dad if you want but what I'm saying is please bless THAT... then say something you need.
Rand: Please bless that... Dad will be blessed. (by this time we are all irreverently trying to hide our giggles)
Me: Please bless us to have a good nights sleep
Me: (I just finish the prayer for him because we are all truly cracking up now and he won't finish!)

The Grocery Store

Before I had kids I loved grocery shopping. After I had a couple kids I liked grocery shopping ALONE. Now I hate grocery shopping period.

You gotta love these guys even though they made me start hating grocery shopping:)

A cold metal shopping cart never looked so comfy!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas is in the air

Last night we put up our Christmas decorations. Even though our tree is sort of Charlie Brownesque it has a few redeeming qualities:

First, it is cheap enough that when one of the little ones decides to unplug it and drag it around the house by the cord we don't stress... very much!

Second, it is small enough that the kids can put almost everything on by themselves, and they love being "in charge" of decorating. I can let them have at it while I take cute photos of them:)

Third, we have all hand made (read kid friendly) decorations. We made most of them out of paper + the ones the kids bring home from school. We learned of the necessity of this "kid friendly" decor when the incident in point number two occurred:) No glass ornaments here for a few more years!

Fourth, even though it is less than sophisticated, and obviously decorated by amateurs, it makes me happy when I look at it. Last night it even appeared a little beautiful to me:)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Guess Whose at the Nutcracker?

Ainsley is! She went to see it in Phoenix tonight with my Dad. He came and picked her up this morning and is bringing her home Sunday night. She was so excited about it. It has been a VERY long week of waiting for Friday to come at our house:)

I took a cute picture of her on my phone this morning before she left. She even dressed in Christmas attire for the occasion. Rand managed to erase the photo mere seconds after she walked out the door... and alas the moment is gone forever:( So you get a photo of beautiful ballerinas instead.

Having her gone has made me realize what a good helper she is, as well as how much I rely on her. We all miss her a lot, and can't wait for her to come home again. She adds a little spark to our family that only she can bring!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The things that pass for acceptable these days!

We have a small stash of Halloween candy left in the house. It's pretty picked over and most of the good stuff is gone. Blythe is one of the few people who know it exists... or who actually wants to eat any of it:) She has been having a piece here and there this morning while the three big kids are at school. She came and hopped in my lap a minute ago and I noticed a stray candy crumb on her neck. I showed her and teased her "you have candy on your neck silly girl". She promptly ate it off my finger! I don't know if I should laugh or be grossed out?