My two oldest kids are in a combined first and second grade class together. Last week they were assigned a planet report, complete with visual aid. I was less than enthusiastic for a few reasons.
First, a planet report (don't forget the visual aid) for six and seven year olds just has a parent intensive ring to it.
Second, studying the solar system isn't high on my to-do list this holiday season
Third, there are two of them! Two kids equals two reports (with visual aids)!
However, by the time the projects were done there were some bright points.
First, those kids of mine did an outstanding job writing their reports. They pretty much did the research themselves, other than a little help using the computer.
Second, they're not the only kids in this family who gained a little planetary knowledge. Rand (4 years) actually came to me several time spouting random facts such as "Did you know that pluto is no longer a true planet. It is now known as a dwarf planet!"
Third, I actually had a lot of fun making... oops, I mean helping make... those visual aids I feared so much.
Next time you see us ask a question about planets!
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