This happens to be a corner of my bedroom, and my bedroom is always the last to be cleaned. No matter how many things get checked off my list on a given day it seems that the hours run out before I get to my own room.

It's funny because I hate spending all my time cleaning. When a whole day goes by and all I've done is clean, clean, clean I AM happy that the house is tidy.... But I also get really frustrated because it can be ruined within minutes by my little lovelies! Plus I feel guilty that I spent so little time with them while I was doing all this cleaning.
On the other hand I also HATE when the house is a mess. It makes me grouchy! I feel guilty playing with the kids or doing anything fun because... well... the house is a mess!
What a vicious cycle!
On a more positive note, kid chores have been going really well here lately, aside from the occasional melt down because someone's "legs are too tired to walk or clean".
In fact, a couple of days ago Ainsley (7) told me she noticed that when we all work together to get the house clean it goes by faster and it is even fun!
I gave that girl a great big hug because she had just made my day. Hallelujah! Something I taught her is sticking:)
The good news is that lately the house has been cleaner, the kids have had better attitudes about helping, and apparently we have even been having fun cleaning together:)
Sadly, despite the fact that I used the word clean (or a variation of it) ten times in this post, MY room is still a mess!