Friday, January 20, 2012

They know how to have fun

At my house we have a job chart for the kids.

I fill it out every morning so they know what to do when they get home from school.

Monday was a holiday from school. (The same day that they turned down Chik-fil-a for broccoli because I told them they had to do their chores first)

At one point that day I walked by the job chart and laughed when I saw this! They even erased "Monday" on the side and replaced it with "playday".

I got the message loud and clear!

So let's do a quick recap of Monday (I've only mentioned this day about three times online. Can you tell I'm having a hard time getting over it?)

1. No school
2. All play
3. Broccoli
4. Shattered shower door

All in all, a weird, non-productive, fun, but sort of ended on a bad note kinda holiday! Well at least it was better than Tuesday:)

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