I wrote before about how I was excited to go away for the weekend with two of my oldest friends. Well it all turned out as fabulous as I had hoped.
On Friday night I met Jennie in Scottsdale, not too far from our hotel. We had a great dinner and great conversation. We shared the kind of chat I really needed, and it made me feel not so alone in some of my struggles. It reminded me that this get together was way overdue.
Jennie holding Farrah

After we ate we shopped a little and got really confused by the elevator!
Then we went and checked into our hotel.
Debbie met us in later on that night in our room.
I love how these girls snuggled on Farrah all weekend:)

Once Debbie arrived we stayed up until 4am talking! The time just flew by. I LOVE chatting with these gals. They are both so inspirational.
This is my view from bed while we talked.

On Saturday morning we managed to pull ourselves out of bed and we headed to breakfast. I love this photo... it turned out so cute!

Next we decided to do a little shopping. I ended up leaving to go take my Dad out to lunch since it was his birthday. My sister came too and we had a nice long lunch.
For some reason I failed to get a photo of my Dad on his birthday, but I did get one of Kaylie and Farrah. She is so awesome at taking care of my kids!

After my late lunch I met back up with the girls and we hopped in Jennie's car.
Calling to see if we can fit some pedicures in before the salon closes... and to ask some other questions... You know what I'm talking about Debbie:)

Getting my first pedicure. Is it sad that I have reached such an age without ever having one of these? I think yes!

We wrapped up the night by getting a bite to eat "to go" at La Grande Orange, which I have heard about but never tried. Then we returned to the hotel for some good food and more talk. This time we only stayed up until 1 or 2am.
Sunday morning we said our goodbyes, and took one last photo.
I made the drive home rejuvenated, but a little sad it ended so quickly.

Dear Debbie & Jennie,
I'm so glad we did this.
We waited way too long.
We need to make this a regular tradition.
It's so lovely to have the kind of friends that you feel at home with instantly even when years have gone by.
Finally, I haven't laughed that much in a long time and it felt great!
Debbie's Story