The feelings I had during, and right after, were so intense it was hard to imagine they would ever fade.
But they have.
The memory is vivid but the feelings themselves have paled.
It is a good thing, and also a sad one.

Birth is a very solitary experience in some ways.
Only while it is being experienced can its energy be truly fathomed.
No matter how many people gather around to provide support there will always be one woman alone with the torrent.
This isolation is alternately distressing and empowering.

Knowing complete responsibility to carry out a task so grueling can bring despair to the very soul.
On the other hand embracing and directing those all encompassing sensations brings with it an unrivaled sense of power and control.

Because of birth...
I am grateful to be a woman.
I know I am strong, and I feel empowered.
I love my body, and I can finally see the beauty in it.
I know I can do anything I put my mind to.
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