The story of Friday night dinner: In which a young woman makes the most of a displeasing situation
Once upon a time there was a girl who made a delicious pizza & a delectable green salad for dinner on a Friday night.
Her family loved it when she made pizza on Friday nights.
On this particular night the children were especially excited.
So excited in fact, that they badgered and pestered her, coming constantly into the kitchen to check on her progress.
Each time they found that dinner wasn't yet ready they whined and complained.
Her husband didn't exactly complain, but he would still play his role in her dismay.
Finally the food was ready.
She set the table, slicing the pizza with care, and giving the salad a final toss.
Then she called the children in from the backyard, where she had sent them when their complaints had grown distracting to her.
She also called her husband, who was doing some very important Internet searches.
She waited but no one came.
She called again, and again but still no one came.
She became a bit incensed.
She was just about to turn grouchy and hunt them down one by one when suddenly she thought better of it.
Instead she sat down at the table all alone and served herself a nice plate of food.
Then she ate it all by herlself, and in silence.
She found this all rather relaxing, which was unusual for dinner time in her household.
By the time she was done the children had wandered in.
They proceeded to complain when they saw she had already eaten, saying, "but mother why didn't you tell us dinner was ready."
She sighed as she began to prepare their plates. She did this partly because she was exasperated with them.
But a little part of her sigh was also contentedness that she had enjoyed her meal alone;)
Later when everyone was done eating and she was cleaning up her husband finally came into eat.
He got to eat alone too.... But as for if he enjoyed it... Only he can tell you that!
The End
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