Today it feels like I have been extra busy, but when I think back on the day it was really nothing out of the ordinary. I got up, got the kids ready for school, and dropped Ainsley, Channing, And Blythe off. I stopped by the park on the way home from the school to talk to a friend I haven't seen in awhile. Then we went home and Farrah took a nap while I cleaned the house and did laundry. Rand lucked out and got to watch a movie because I really needed him to be entertained since we are getting ready to go away for the weekend tomorrow:) We ate lunch and then it was time to drop Rand off at Kindergarten and pick Blythe up. We made the switch and Blythe ate lunch and went down for a nap when we got home. Farrah also went down for her afternoon nap. I usually work out during this time but today I cleaned some more and did some more laundry while I caught up on my netflix! Before I knew it, it was time to go to the school for round three of picking up kids. We came home and turned on some music so we could dance/ clean their rooms:) It was actually pretty fun, excluding the part where I had to threaten Rand within and inch of his life to keep him from tackling his brother:( But like I said nothing out of the ordinary. Finally we made dinner and they ate it in the backyard since I just cleaned the house. Does that make me a mean mom? If so, I don't care because it was totally worth it! Now they are all showering and getting ready to watch their "Friday night movie" since we'll be gone tomorrow night. Then they will go to bed and Nick will come home from work. Speaking of that I will need to find something to feed him... the kids ate leftovers and they are all gone. Anyway, at 8:30 I will go on a night bike ride with Nick's cousin Tyler, come home, shower and then pack for tomorrow! That concludes the run down of my day! Wow could I get any more boring???? Oh well, that's all I got today.
I leave you with a picture of a baby foot. Those are always cute and appropriate for any situation, Enjoy!

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