Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Holy Mackerel Charlie

That is what my Grandpa used to say when he was amazed by something.  
I am amazed by something today and so that little phrase popped into my mind and I decided to share it.
Good memories:)
Anyway, what am I amazed about you ask?
Well it is the fact that I am so VERY far behind in posting about some of my very favorite things that have happened in the last few months.
This list is to get me pumped up about catching up.  Ready? Here goes....

Route 66 bike ride
(Also known as Tour de PRH)

The amazing, ambitious, and intense Grand Canyon hike

Halloween for goodness sake!

Tour de Tucson

The Holidays
(Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years)

Not sure if I feel pumped or intimidated, but there you have it!

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