Saturday, September 15, 2007

I feel left out.

When I look at other people's blogs I always see all the fun crafty things they make. I feel left out because I never make fun crafty things. But then I remembered my SPIDERMAN light switch plate...

In case you're wondering Channing has a spiderman room, and if you ever come to our house the FIRST thing Nick will do is show it to you (even before he says hello). He decorated it himself, but I made the light switch plate. HA!


Unknown said...

First off, you wont see more than once a year, anything I made. No desire, no time, no money, and no talent. Secondly, can you come decorate my room in spiderman! I gotta have the lightswitch too.

Jennie Carter said...

I love that Nick is so proud of his Spiderman creations! What is it about Spiderman that gets even grown men excited?

Connie Onnie said...

I Like it. Hey this is Connie I wanted to let you know that Debbie nagged enough and I started a blog. I am hoping it will help keeping me in touch with you also.
Let the blogging begin.

Russ and Debbie said...

love it!