Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday 3.30

I was looking over the photos that are on my phone right now, and these pictures make me smile because: will be kids.

... my 2.5 yearly and 7 month old have the same size thighs!

...being independent doesn't always look good.

...I took my kids to see one of the seven natural wonders of the world and their favorite part was these polished rocks in the gift shop.

...I caught nick sleeping with this pink bear cradled in his arms.

...after I let Rand play a game on my phone there are about 20 screen shots just like this.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday 3.29

On Saturday Nick and I are doing a metric century bike ride. I am nervous and excited since I've never done a ride that long before. Hopefully I'll be back next week with a good report.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Goodbye to the Acura

A few weeks ago I posted about getting a new car.
Last week the day came to say goodbye to the old one.
It's been a great car for the last five years, and I definitely would I have continued driving it if we hadn't outgrown it when baby #5 came along.
I actually think I am more attached to Nick's truck than my own car, at least sentimentally.
So although it was a little bit sad, it was mainly just nice to get it sold, cash the check, and have one thing checked off the to do list:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More photos of my Mom

My cousin came up with several more old photos that include my mom.

Here she is (far left) with her parents and siblings at the cabin in Forest Lakes.

She is in the red dress here.

On the far right in this one.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Like it, love it, can't live without it

My bike... she's nothing fancy when it comes to road bikes but she's special to me:)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Old Photos

My uncle posted this old photo of him and my mom when they were kids (1967) on Facebook so I stole it!

I posted it on instagram and soon my cousin Connie came up with another one for me.

My mom and her brother with their aunt (Connie's mom). I think this has to be around 1960 or 1961?
So fun... I love old photos:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Did any one else watch the show Felicity?
I think I was about 14 when it came out and I remember loving it.
I noticed it on Netflix the other day and so I have been watching it all over again:)
It's it's kind of fun.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We got a new toy at our house today...

Nick has been trying to convince me what a good idea it is to get "the new ipad". He has told me how much I will love it, and how it can replace my old (circa 2006) macbook. I finally relented and got on board with the idea and he ordered one.

All week as we waited for it to arrive we've been playfully bantering (as we're known to do) about whose ipad it really is, who gets to use it first, who gets it the most, and so on. All along he's been telling me that he had it inscribed with the phrase "Nick's ipad, not Jacie's". By the end of the wait I half believed him:)

So today when the package arrived and I opened it up the first thing I noticed was this...

He must have sensed that even though I gave my blessing to buy it, I still wasn't completely sold.

Smart man... when all logical arguments fail... use love as a tool to get what you want:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh how I love my tub!

I LOVE my bathtub.
It makes me happy.
It relaxes me.
It calms me down.
It soothes me at the end of a long day.
It takes away my pain when my muscles hurt.
It takes away my stress.
It helped me bring two baby girls into the world!
Actually, now that I think about it, it was water that did all those things...
But the tub holds the water, and makes all these things possible so...
I LOVE the tub!

Like it, love it, can't live without it

Farrah-di-do-da and her two brand new itty bitty teeth.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dinner on Friday night

The story of Friday night dinner: In which a young woman makes the most of a displeasing situation

Once upon a time there was a girl who made a delicious pizza & a delectable green salad for dinner on a Friday night.
Her family loved it when she made pizza on Friday nights.
On this particular night the children were especially excited.
So excited in fact, that they badgered and pestered her, coming constantly into the kitchen to check on her progress.
Each time they found that dinner wasn't yet ready they whined and complained.
Her husband didn't exactly complain, but he would still play his role in her dismay.
Finally the food was ready.
She set the table, slicing the pizza with care, and giving the salad a final toss.
Then she called the children in from the backyard, where she had sent them when their complaints had grown distracting to her.
She also called her husband, who was doing some very important Internet searches.
She waited but no one came.
She called again, and again but still no one came.
She became a bit incensed.
She was just about to turn grouchy and hunt them down one by one when suddenly she thought better of it.
Instead she sat down at the table all alone and served herself a nice plate of food.
Then she ate it all by herlself, and in silence.
She found this all rather relaxing, which was unusual for dinner time in her household.
By the time she was done the children had wandered in.
They proceeded to complain when they saw she had already eaten, saying, "but mother why didn't you tell us dinner was ready."
She sighed as she began to prepare their plates. She did this partly because she was exasperated with them.
But a little part of her sigh was also contentedness that she had enjoyed her meal alone;)
Later when everyone was done eating and she was cleaning up her husband finally came into eat.
He got to eat alone too.... But as for if he enjoyed it... Only he can tell you that!
The End

Thursday, March 8, 2012

They were listening

Sometimes I wonder if my kids absorb anything I am teaching them. I was validated this week when I went to check the kids online spelling assignment. If they have learned nothing else at least I can rest assured that they would rather buy their toys than steal them:)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Looking forward to Spring Break

Next week is Spring Break and we are headed to one of my favorite places... The Grand Canyon. I am going to attempt to get the rest of my family as addicted as I am. I'll let you know how it works:). I can't wait!

I have been pouring over maps...

And even preparing the baby for her first GC experience... Do you thing she'll appreciate it?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Something old, something new

I'm getting a new ride.
Well it's not really new, just new to me.
I tend to like my vehicles new to me and old to someone else though....
So this baby suits me just fine.
Right size (has to tow the boat), right number of seats, right price.
The fact that it was owned by an old man who had nothing better to do than meticulously maintain it is just the cherry on top:)
If all goes as planned I will pick it up tomorrow night and I can't wait!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Like it, love it, or can't live without it

An awesome girl named Candice who watches my kids all weekend so Nick and I can have a little late anniversary celebration!

Rodeo Days

Last week was Rodeo Days! That means a few days off school for the kiddos. On one of them we went to "the grassy place" for a picnic. It was so nice to enjoy perfect weather (sunny but cool) for the short time it exists here in the desert. I get outside quite a bit to bike and run but this reminded me I need to get outside more on lazy days because it lifts my spirits:)


A few weeks ago we had some friends from out of town come and stay with us.
We haven't seen them in a few years and it was so great to catch up.
They have four little boys so add that to our 5 kids and it was a house full of craziness and fun!
I'm so glad they came:)