Nick's dad called us up and said that the City of Chandler was putting on a metric century and entry was super cheap. So we decided to head up there and ride.
We got a pretty good group together. It included Nick and I, Don, Nate & Katy, along with Nick's good friend Jaron and two of his brother in laws. We tended to split into two groups, the guys in front being a little faster. Nick and Nate were so kind as to hang back with us girls for most of the ride.

It was a really laid back ride and we had a lot of fun. I did manage to get two flats though:( Nick changed the first one and I made it a few yards when the second tube also popped! My wheels are smaller than most so I did not have any more tubes of the right size. The guys put their heads together and rigged me something up using a tube that was slightly too large. It held up and I was able to finish the last 9 miles of the ride just fine.
Nick and I also got some nice massages afterwards at the little expo they had. Now we wish we could get one after every long ride;)

The Porter boys

This is the longest ride I've done so far and I was a little anxious since the next longest I've ridden at once was 42 miles in the Tour de Tucson back in November. I felt strong the whole ride and it has convinced me to do the longer distances in the Tour de Mesa and Tour of the Tucson Mountains coming up later this month!
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