Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick Days

Everyone has been sick...
 They look like this...
I am sick of sick kids!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Today... check

*Nick home from work (today and tomorrow too:)... check
*Plans to ride 40 miles on my bike... check.
*The beginnings of a sinus infection... check.
*Nick asked to cover a sick coworkers shift tomorrow on his day off... check
*Finding out Nick's scout activity for tonight is moved up 2 hours and I won't be able to ride... check
*Trouble dealing with disappointment over the fact that because of Nick's extra shift and activity                     change I won't be able to ride and will miss my mileage goal for January:(
*Errand to get the wood for bunk bed project... check

*Head pounding, pressure, feeling horrible... check
*Lunch out with Nick and ONLY 2 kiddos... check
*Errand took less time than anticipated and I can still fit in a ride... ensuing happiness... check
*Arrive home, medicate, medicate, medicate... check
*Go on a pretty good ride even though its ten miles shorter than I planned... check
*Rush home and send Nick off... check
*Decide to abandon kids chores: just for tonight it's homework only:)... check
*Kids mostly cooperate with me and each other, hallelujah!... check
*Get kids showered, fed & in bed... check
* Long, hot, much needed bath while I wait for Nick to come home... Check

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

photo regrets

This weekend Nick and I took my dad & MaryAnne out to dinner to celebrate his birthday.   My sister watched the kids and it was nice to get out with just adults.  We had good food, good conversation, and it was nice to catch up.  But I regret that I didn't take a picture of us together.

Later that night Nick stayed at my dad's to put the kids to bed and I went out with a couple of my oldest and most cherished friends.  It was an amazing time and I left them feeling refreshed and inspired as always.  I love those girls so much!  But I regret that I didn't take any pictures.

Can you see a pattern here?

I have learned my lesson, and I won't make that mistake again.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Like it, love it, can't live without it

The fact that Nick has decided to build something similar to this!  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Wars

It has been pretty cold here for the past few days.  It's no big deal compared to most places, but here in the desert we are definitely not used to these temperatures.  This morning it was 14 degrees when I took my kids to school! 
The problem is these children of mine don't quite know how to handle this crazy weather.  I have one who majorly over compensates.  For example, this morning he dressed in 5 jackets and sweaters and he doesn't start school until noon.  The we have those on the other end of the spectrum.  The others refuse to wear anything more than a hooded sweatshirt!  No matter how much I nag they will NOT dress warmly.  

Its been kind of funny. I keep putting warm things in their backpacks, but I'm pretty sure they aren't using them.  Oh well, hopefully their teachers don't think I'm a neglectful mother:)   I guess the old saying is true... You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Like it, love it, can't live without it

Bagging a summit...

and finally breaking my South Mountain curse! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mt. Lemmon

The week after Christmas we went to check out the snow.  

Trip sponsored by my dad...
Thanks to for saving almost every piece of snow clothing me, my brother, 
and sister wore growing up:)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Puppy Genius?

When my oldest two kids are around they tend to hog the dog:)  Rand has been so excited that school started up again because now he gets more alone time with little Blitz.  Today he was in my room have "his turn" when I heard him calling me.  I was kinda busy so I continued my chores as I said "What do you need?" Then he would yell "Just come here!".  Eventually I figured it was in everyones best interest for me to check out the situation:)  I walked onto this scene.  

Rand then told me that he had crawled in the kennel to see how big it was and Blitz had locked him in.  Even after I expressed my disbelief he persisted saying that "Blitz is a really smart dog mom!"  This kid cracks me up sometimes.  Now I'm thinking maybe I can hire the dog to babysit.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Holy Mackerel Charlie

That is what my Grandpa used to say when he was amazed by something.  
I am amazed by something today and so that little phrase popped into my mind and I decided to share it.
Good memories:)
Anyway, what am I amazed about you ask?
Well it is the fact that I am so VERY far behind in posting about some of my very favorite things that have happened in the last few months.
This list is to get me pumped up about catching up.  Ready? Here goes....

Route 66 bike ride
(Also known as Tour de PRH)

The amazing, ambitious, and intense Grand Canyon hike

Halloween for goodness sake!

Tour de Tucson

The Holidays
(Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years)

Not sure if I feel pumped or intimidated, but there you have it!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Like it, love it, can't live without it

Our new little puppy "Blitz", which is short for Blitzen:)