Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mother's Day

My favorite part was that Nick was actually off work.  He has worked the last three or four years on Mother's days it was kind of amazing:)  Not going to church alone with five kids was a great gift!

Back when we went on our anniversary trip Nick let me pick out what I wanted.  He bought me some new beads for my Pandora bracelet.
I woke up with what I think was a scratched eye.  I couldn't open it very well and it was really painful.  So if I look a little weird in these photos that's why:)

We went to church and then I played card games with the kids while Nick made dinner for us.

Here he is slaving away in the kitchen:)

The kids made me a lot of really sweet hand made cards and gifts at school and church.  We all know those are the best kind too.  Thanks to my sweet family for taking care of me on Mother's Day.

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