Thursday, August 23, 2012

I did it!

I climbed the entire Madera Canyon on my bike!!!!  
This has been a goal of mine for awhile. It is 18 miles from my house to the top.
In the past I have been too chicken to ride up the last three miles that include up to an 18% grade.  On July 2 I decided it was time to man up:)  I made it all the way up and on a super hot day too.  It was tough but not as bad as I thought. I've done it 2 times since then as well, and it gets better every time.

A little down hill section right before the going gets tough.  
It is a welcome respite from the miles of false flat that proceed it, but a bit deceiving.  

Made a pit stop 3 miles from the top (My usual turn around point).  
Since it has been so warm and I have drunk so much water by this point I usually have to stop and use the restroom.  I can't blame my bladder I mean I do have five kids!

Check out the temp. (97.9)  This was standing in the shade during my rest stop.  At one point it read over 104 degrees!  The only thing I was bummed out about had to do with this little device.  This is actually Nick's Garmin.  I couldn't find mine so I borrowed his.  I keep mine on auto pause for when I stop.  He doesn't.  I stopped it when I reached the top and I forgot to restart it when I headed down, but I didn't realize until 5 miles into my descent:(  I lost all the fastest mileage that would have upped my average and I failed to record my personal fastest time ever 41.5 mph!  I probably could have gone a little faster than that but I am a chicken and I was sitting up to catch wind and coasting not pedaling at all. I was quite disappointed but it just gave me more motivation to ride it again.

Made it to the top, finally.  
I have to admit I was super slow.  
Oh well, you gotta start somewhere right?

Happy, but hot:)

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