Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Time

I am getting so excited for Christmas. The older my kids get the more joy it brings me! I am grateful for the holidays because they make me reflect on my blessings, and my Savior. I have had some touching moments teaching my kids about the birth of Christ. I have also had some funny moments trying to teach my kids the "truth" about Santa. No matter how many times we go over the santa thing Ainsley tells me she "just really wants to believe":) I am happy to be so blessed and to have the gospel to bring the true meaning of this season into my life. I am happy that my kids know the true meaning of Christmas and that they are learning to be kind and generous and hopefully starting to gain their own testimonies of Jesus Christ.

I'm not gonna lie though, I am excited about the more worldly parts of the season too. Hot chocolate, treats, decorations, and watching my kids school Christmas programs have been things I've looked forward to and enjoyed. I am also super excited for Christmas morning. I can't wait to gather around the tree with the family and open our gifts. I tried to get them things that we could spend time playing with as a family. I am looking forward to sitting around, eating, and messing with the kids new toys together!

I guess this year I have benefitted from the best of both worlds. I am celebrating the true spirit of the Savior's birth while embracing the traditions that bring me closer to my family. Today is the last day of school for the next two weeks. I can't wait to have all my kids at home with me and just absorb their sweet spirits. Now let's hope I remember how sweet they are when the messes and chaos begin! I may be coming back to read this post next week:)

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