Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sweet Summer Time

Today my kids are bored, and it is not a pretty thing.  They fight a lot when they are bored, they also fight a lot, did I mention all the fighting?

So far we have been doing pretty well most days.  We have a schedule that allows for something fun, or an outing almost everyday.  They also do chores every morning.  This means that by three or four o'clock they are usually at least a little worn out and will watch a movie together while I start dinner.  We go to the library, swim, attend movies, read like crazy, play in the sprinklers, hike, ride bikes, play with friends, and usually do something extra crazy like bowling or the mall when Nick is off work! 

Well Thursday is "have your friends over to play" day, but that fell through.  They were disappointed to say the least.  I had a bunch of boring stuff such as, bill paying, grocery list making, and meal planning to do.  So I have been doing it.  This means they have been cooped all day and that signals the fighting to begin.  

I think we finally reached a compromise.  It is working for now so I am going with it... The two older kids lock themselves in the bedroom with a dollhouse.  Crazy number three plays outside in the sprinklers alone.  (That is the most fun way to do that didn't you know?  Then you are totally in charge of the hose and it is always your turn to spray yourself!) Blythe intermittently tortures the baby and lies on the couch fighting not to give into the nap she refused to take earlier this afternoon.  The baby is a pretty good sport about it all as long as I am in sight and feed her little snacks, both of which I can do while I write this post:)

Guess I better take advantage of the lull in fighting ( I told you about the fighting right?) to go make dinner.  Uh-oh someone just yelled "I'm never gonna play with you again" and someone else started crying.  It was nice while it lasted.  For the record, sometimes being out and about in triple digit heat with all these kiddos is easier than being home with them! If only I can remember that tomorrow when we're out on that town and I'm wondering why we left the house:)

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