Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The grapefruit syndrome continued...

I was planning on writing an enlightening post outlining my thoughts about this inspired little story and how it applies to my life. My mind is swimming with thought provoking tidbits just screaming to be put into print... but I am tired today. Oh and also I have three children to tend: Number 2 is on a destructive rampage today. Number 1 is currently crying over a toy that was unceremoniously ripped from her possession. At least sweet baby number 3 is snoozing away:) In light of the situation I have decided on the short and sweet version.

This story could have been written about Nick and I. He is constanly over-looking my faults. He lets me rant and rave and say what I need to say and stays steady. As cliche as it sounds he is my rock. Without him I wouldn't have a calm, rational side. I know there are times when he has to think I am crazy, but he never says it. He just flashes that mischevious grin (if you know him, you know what I'm talking about) and keeps on loving me. Now how could a girl be expected to live without that?

Oh and you don't have to tell me that my short version was longer than most people's long version. It always is.

1 comment:

Connie Onnie said...

Did they tell us that story in young women’s?
It is sad how often I have to remind myself that what is annoying me does not matter at all. I wish I could just always remember or maybe just be rational.