Sunday, November 18, 2007

"You are the most opinionated person I have ever met."

Yes, somebody once said this to me.

No, it wasn't a compliment.

It wasn't an insult... but it wasn't a compliment either. It was expressed in astonishment at the sheer number of opinions I had given in the roughly 2-3 hours I had known this person.

The really scary part is it's true; I probably was the most opinionated person he'd ever met. I'm probably the most opinionated person you've ever met too. The problem is I sometimes forget that my opinion about most things doesn't really matter. And though I'm positive there are a few people who actually enjoy having it forced on them - most don't.

I consider myself a passionate person. As a passionate person I sometimes get carried away sharing my passionate opinions. I know it's shocking! I may be passionate about the color of your shoelaces, or where you go to college, or even what you name your dog. But let's face facts - nobody want to hear it and it's none of my business anyway.

On some level I realize this and most of the time I keep myself in check. That is, the only person who has to hear about your shoelaces at the end of the day is my poor husband. Occasionally though, I get out of control. I have been known to get overexcited and maybe even start small arguments over trivial issues. (You can stop gasping in disbelief now).

During the heat of the moment I don't realize that it has become a debate.

My goal is simply to talk until I convince you that I am right... oh... wait... I get it now.

So if you or someone you love has, or ever does become the subject of one of these passionate shoelace tirades, I apologize. Please don't take it personally. Chances are great that on the way home my lovely husband will call me on my argumentative ways and I will feel ashamed and embarrassed by my disdainful my behavior.

Look at it this way - I care enough about you and your shoelaces to have a "passionate opinion" about them.

It's a big flaw, I know.
It's a lifetime goal of mine to overcome it...
and it may actually take me a lifetime so wish me luck!


Unknown said...

What! Dont ever change. Thats why you are Jacie, the spunky, adorable, tiny, opinionated mom! Just be careful not to hurt feelings and always listen to other opinions and you will be fine being opinionated. (please dont be boring like 50% of people who have opinions and keep them to themselves)

Russ and Debbie said...

Who has the sholeaces?

Russ and Debbie said...

I can't spell

mimilee said...

you know, i remember that part of you from elementary... but i never thought of it as being bad. i like to hear others opinions whether i agree or not. im pretty passive so hearing someone with so much passion in everything is refreshing.